Serrurerie Lyonnaise: How resistant are armored doors to impacts?

When it comes to the security of our home or business, the front door is often the first line of defense against intrusion. THE locksmiths professionals tell us: opting for an armored door is an essential step to guarantee maximum security. But what about the resistance of armored doors to different types of impacts?

1. Composition of an armored door

Before analyzing the resistance of an armored door, it is essential to understand its composition. Generally, it is made of a steel structure and is reinforced with several layers of metal. This solid design is complemented by a lock high security, often multi-point, making break-in by picking or drilling much more difficult.

2. Resistance to break-in attempts

Armored doors are designed to resist the most common break-in attempts:

  • Forcing : Using a crowbar or other tools to force the door open. Thanks to their steel structure and their locksmiths multi-point, armored doors resist this type of attack much better than traditional doors.
  • Drilling : Attempt to break through the lock to access the locking mechanism. High security locks are designed to resist these attempts, often with hardened steel guards.

3. Resistance to direct impacts

Armored doors can also be subjected to direct impacts, such as a hammer blow or an attempt to break in with a heavy object.

  • Light impacts : For softer impacts, the door may show some signs of damage, but it will hold up. Its steel structure absorbs impact and prevents deformation.
  • Violent impacts : Even in the event of violent impacts, a good quality armored door will not break easily. It may suffer some scratches or slight deformation, but this will not compromise its ability to protect the home.

4. Current standards

The resistance of armored doors is often measured according to established standards. In Europe, for example, the EN 1627-1630 standard defines the resistance levels of a door against break-in attempts. According to the locksmith consulted, it is recommended to choose a door meeting at least class 3 (RC3) of this standard to guarantee sufficient resistance.

5. The limits of the armored door

Even though armored doors offer impressive impact resistance, they are not invincible. A locksmith Qualified personnel will still be able to intervene to open the door in the event of loss of keys, but this will require specific tools and skills. Additionally, if the door is not properly maintained or is old, it could have weaknesses. It is therefore crucial to carry out regular checks and maintenance with a locksmith professional.


Investing in an armored door is a wise choice to improve the security of your home or business. Resistant to break-in attempts and direct impacts, these doors offer considerable protection against intrusions. However, to ensure their longevity and effectiveness, it is recommended to regularly consult a locksmith specialized in the field.