How do you know if the hands of your clock are incorrectly calibrated in Marseille?

L’maintenance of a clock can be as simple as it is complex depending on its design and mechanism. One of the common problems that can affect the accuracy of a clock is unbalanced hands. In Marseille, heat and humidity can cause additional problems. This article guides you on how to check the calibration of your clock.

Signs of needle imbalance

To get started, you need to know the signs that your clock hands may be incorrectly calibrated. If your clock regularly delays or advances, this may indicate a problem with the hands. An even more obvious sign is when the hands don’t move at all, clearly indicating a mechanical problem.

Clock Inspection

The first reflex whenclock maintenance should be to carry out a visual inspection. Make sure the needles are not bent or twisted. If this is the case, they may become blocked or cause erratic movement, requiring repair. clock repair.

The importance of regular maintenance in Marseille

The heat and humidity of Marseille can have an impact on the mechanism of your clock, particularly if it is not maintained regularly. A clock maintenance in Marseille can help prevent problems caused by these specific weather conditions.

Call a professional for clock repair in Marseille

If despite your efforts, the hands on your clock still seem poorly calibrated, it’s time to call a professional. A clock repair in Marseille will be carried out by experts who have the tools and experience necessary to rectify the problem.


Ultimately, knowing if your clock hands are incorrectly calibrated in Marseille requires some attention and a good understanding of how your clock works. L’regular clock maintenance can help you prevent these problems, but in some cases, a clock repair may be necessary. Do not hesitate to call on professionals to guarantee the precision and longevity of your precious mechanism.