How can a bad interview affect my clock?

An in-depth analysis of the impact of a bad interview on time management


When we think about time management, we tend to consider the obvious aspects such as planning, organizing and prioritizing tasks. However, there are less obvious elements that can also influence our clock. One of these is a bad interview. In this article, we’ll look at how a bad interview can affect our clock and what steps we can take to minimize these effects.

1. A bad interview and time stress

A bad interview, whether it’s a job interview or an important professional meeting, can cause time stress. When we feel unprepared or uncomfortable during an interview, our anxiety can increase. This can lead to loss of concentration, confused thoughts, and a reduction in our ability to manage our time effectively. As a result, we may take longer than expected to complete interview tasks, which may disrupt our overall schedule.

2. The repercussions on professional commitments

A bad interview can also have repercussions on our professional commitments. For example, if we are late for an interview with a client or colleague, this can damage our professional reputation. Additionally, a bad interview can waste valuable time, which can compromise our ability to meet deadlines or complete important tasks. These delays can have negative consequences for our career and professional opportunities.

3. Implications for planning and organization

A bad interview can also disrupt our planning and organization. When we spend more time than expected in an interview, it can cause our schedule to slip. For example, if we planned to work on a specific project after the interview, but it drags on, we may have to postpone that project until later. This can lead to a backlog of tasks and a disorganization of our schedule, making it difficult to manage our activities effectively.

4. Steps to minimize the effects of a bad interview

Although a bad interview can impact our clock, there are steps we can take to minimize these effects. First of all, it is essential to prepare adequately before the interview. This involves researching the company or event, reviewing potential questions, and practicing our answers. Careful preparation will help us be more confident and manage our time better during the interview.

Next, it is important to allow sufficient time for the interview, taking into account possible transportation delays or other unforeseen circumstances. By planning ahead, we can reduce timing stress and avoid unwanted delays.

Finally, it is essential to remain calm and focused during the interview. Stress can alter our perception of time and make us seem rushed or disorganized. By practicing stress management techniques, such as deep breathing and positive visualization, we can keep our focus and time management on track.


A bad interview can have significant repercussions on our clock and our time management. It can generate time stress, disrupt our professional commitments, and affect our planning and organization. However, by preparing adequately, allowing enough time and remaining calm and focused, we can minimize the negative effects of a bad interview. Ultimately, good time management in interviews can not only improve our performance, but also strengthen our self-confidence and professional reputation.